Mission Expansion Masterclass: for Missions, Causes and Charities! ( Unedited - Beta Version)

Assistance going International, Startup Setup, maximizing Immigration Secrets, Exemptions, Minimize Red Tape... Fast-track your mission, cause or charity through Immigration with the Playbook for Missions Going International -- by Brother Bran...
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About This Product:

Maximize Impact, Uncover Immigration Secrets & Exemptions, Minimize Red Tape. Fast-track Your Global Mission!

Unlock and eliminate barriers in challenging countries. Empower your FOR JESUS project to reach worldwide. Learn to tackle difficulties, bureaucracy, and tap into supernatural guidance.

Join Now to Take Your FOR JESUS Project Worldwide!

"Unlocking New Territories: Master the Art of Mission Expansion through Strategic Immigration Secrets and Exemptions. Skip Bureaucratic Hurdles, Extend Your Stay Indefinately and Legally."


Fearless Faith Collaborations for Global Missions:

I help new mission startups unlock and eliminate barriers in difficult and inhospitable countries by sharing how I helped several FOR JESUS projects go worldwide. I tackle difficult challenges and bureaucracy in new countries -- that together all nations might discover HIM. 

I show stressed out, confused and struggling missionaries and charities my secrets that allowed me to get into and stay longer stress-free than those with far more money and talent -- I share how I did it in 7+ countries and cross continents, so you can break into your impossible mission-field...
I help solve the international travel and budget problems for struggling missionaries and church startups who can't figure it out by sharing how I unlocked the secrets to outperforming and accomplish more stress-free than those with far more money, talent and resources.  I show how I entered and stayed in 7+ countries for good causes and cross continents, while showing you how you also can break into your impossible mission-field and put all the confusion behind you.

This is only a brief Introduction to the Premium package. This was designed for the serious missionaries that want to impact a continent long term and will not be that suitable for the hobbyist weekend traveler. I want to help others entering new continents for the first time to avoid the pitfalls I had to go through. I pray I can protect others from the common traps most fall into.

Full package includes:

 Immigration secrets.
 How to fly into any continent or country on pennies with out an expensive two way ticket. 
 How to get started and hit the floor running while others are still waiting on the sidelines for their full clearance without any guarantee of not being denied after so much lost time.
 How to expedite your applications with Immigration. 
 How to get more special laxed and economical exemptions compared to everyone else flying in who have to go threw all the stress, red tape and costs that you won't have to..
 Secrets on how to get back home with no money in the event of an emergency.
 How border runs and docks work.
 Forgotten Methods of the past.
 Become part of the Earth Shaking Community!!! 

This is only the shorter Introductory Course and not the Premium full package. My experience may or may not represent the typical person. My background, education, experience, or work ethic may differ from yours. This is used as an example and not a guarantee for your situation. Individuals do not track the typicality of its student's experiences. Your results may vary.

Program Details

How to get a visa for an impossible country.
Available Now
How I got the Exemption for a 10 Year Ban
Available Now

Available Now
Your Emergency Exit -- Stuck? What to do when you find yourself stranded with no way back
Available Now
Get Immigration Special Treatment
Available Now
Secret for Long Residences
Available Now
Secret to Renewing your Stay Indefinately
Available Now

Timatic - Loophole & The Airline's Secret System
Available Now
Super Tools - The Airline's Secret Exemption System
Available Now

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Bran the Branstormer

I help struggling churches and charities going international for the first time by showing how I did it on very little across multiple continents and all without a million dollar budget .
See Full Biography >
I help struggling churches and charities going global for the first time save valuable time and money, by showing how I did it on shoestrings on multiple continents and all without a million dollar budget . 

I reveal how to juggle the red tape and bureaucracy so that you can hit the ground running.

I share my own special recipe of mission resourcefulness tactics; sonic immigration hacks, setting up in a new country; how to build a support network on the ground and more for your new country. 

See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: Every country and nationality is different and this is built to be a very rounded more universal guide for most countries based on how I did it. While the E.U., USA and China obviously have stricter rules in most cases than other countries, much of the content will prove useful for most countries. You can confirm much of the differences between countries with the tools I will provide you. "